Need to know about Linux:
This page contains the the basic things you need to know to get started with linux
The user "root" is the administrator user
Upper and lower letters:
Linux is case sensitive in paths, user etc. I (allmost) allways keeps dir names and user names in lower cases.
Terminal is the same as a "comman prompt" in windows. In the cinnamon gui a Terminal can be started by clicking the "Black screen" icon in the menu. Sometimes you will see the words "console" or "shell" used instead of "terminal". In practical life its same-same - If you really want to know ask Mr. Google.
To get "root" priviliges write "su" + enter. Then enter the root password. So when I write "run a command as root" this i what you do.
An easy way navigate in console is by using "Midnight commander". Type "mc" + enter($ mc). You can use the mouse!. The first thing I do is changing to the internal editor: Options > settings > Use unternal editor >. CTRL o hide/show the mc window, but it still run in the background. You end mc by clicking F10 button in the lower right corner.
If you need help with a command or program use the "man" command. Type "man mount" + enter ($ man mount) to get the help pages about the "mount" command.
The reason for using the console is that som things are easier done this way: Installing multible programs, changing settings etc. When I refer to command I mean a command written in the console: "$ man mount" means write "man mount" + enter. Use cut and paste to get commands right
To exit the console just write exit
In Linux there is no drive letters as you know it from windows. Instead theres one file system starting at "/", and drives have to be mounted as mountpoints(empty dir) with the "mount" command to access them.
In a graphical inviroment this done automatickly. If you insert an usb stick it automatickly show up in the filemanager