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Installation of Cinnamon on Debian Wheezy:
Download and unpack this archive - 32 bit - / - 64 bit -and run cininst.sh as root.
Open terminal:
32 bit:
$ su
$ mkdir /root/cininst
$ cd /root/cininst
$ wget http://onnet.dk/download/cinnamonwheezystable_i386.zip
$ unzip cinnamonwheezystable_i386.zip
$ ./cininst.sh

64 bit:
$ su
$ mkdir /root/cininst
$ cd /root/cininst
$ wget http://onnet.dk/download/cinnamonwheezystable_amd64.zip
$ unzip cinnamonwheezystable_amd64.zip
$ ./cininst.sh

Finally you can set cinnamon as default:
$ update-alternatives --set x-session-manager /usr/bin/cinnamon-session

The packages were build using instructions from this Site.

The result of the efforts:

Now go to Install programs

If you maintain a large number of computers or often make a reinstall read Automatic install